
Don’t even laugh! – Theatre Day Concert
Director: Pauls Timrots Large Hall

Seacrow Island
Astrid Lindgren
Performance for kids Director: Paula Pļavniece Large Hall, Lielā zāle

The National Network
Lee Hall, Paddy Chayefsky
Satirical thriller Director: Matīss Kaža Lielā zāle, Large Hall

The Silver Skates
Mary Mapes Dodge
A family musical in two parts Director: Edmunds Freibergs Lielā zāle, Large Hall

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Yukio Mishima
A philosophical drama on beauty's nature Director: Henrijs Arājs New Hall

Theatre Day Concert. It’s Gliding Along
Marta Elīna Martinsone un Mārtiņš Egliens
Director: Mārtiņš Egliens Lielā zāle, Large Hall

At the Latvian National Theatre White Hall