
About us 

The Latvian National Theatre is one of the leading professional repertory theaters in Latvia. It is a modern theater that takes great pride in its traditions and 100 years of history. Its eclectic building is an architecture and art monument of national significance, and the place where the Latvian state was born on 18 November 1918. 

The Latvian National Theatre was founded to be a part of the dynamic European culture. Thus, modern interpretation of classic masterpieces is an important aspect of our repertoire policy that allows directors to engage in esthetic exploration and contribute to education. 

As the Latvian National Theatre aims to promote Latvian authors, every season new plays of Latvian playwrights are staged. The theater also organizes a national competition for playwrights. 

The theater has three halls: the Large Hall (683 seats) and two adapted smaller areas: the Actors’ Hall (depending on the performance, 50 to 70 seats), and the New Hall (depending on the performance, 80 to 120 seats). 

In the true spirit of a national theatre, the National Theatre stages plays for all types of spectators to perform its primary function: to offer a diverse repertoire and differentiated pricing policy that allows all societal groups to enjoy the theatre. 

Māris Vītols became the Director of the National Theatre on 24 July 2023. 

Rules and regulations 

Please comply with the Rules and Regulations of the National Theatre to ensure that both you and other spectators can enjoy the performance. 

The theatre is open one hour before the performances in the Large Hall, the Actors’ Hall, and the New Hall. 

All spectators should purchase tickets, irrespective of age. For children’s performances, all spectators should purchase tickets. Children younger than 7 are not welcome to evening performances for adults. 

For wheelchair access, please book the tickets by phone 67006336 or 67006337. If you have a wheelchair, you and your assistant will be offered special seats, as well as a 50% discount for tickets in the Large Hall and the New Hall of the National Theatre. 

Cloakrooms and free WCs are located in the hallways surrounding each hall and the balconies. 

No smoking is allowed on the premises of the Latvian National Theatre. 

Please come on time: after the Final (3rd) Call/beginning of the performance, NO SPECTATORS WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER. 

Before you enter the hall, SWITCH OFF mobile phones, players and watch signals. 

Photo cameras, mobile phones and video cameras, as well as sound recording equipment MAY NOT BE used in the hall, unless the administration has granted explicit consent. 

Please note that photos and videos may be recorded during the performances and events. These photo and video materials will be used for publicity and public awareness needs of the Latvian National Theatre and will be posted on our website or on our social media accounts. By being present during the performance or the event, you confirm that you are aware that you may be captured in visual materials. For more information on the processing of personal data and your rights, please see the ‘Rules, regulations and privacy’ section of our homepage. 

Please leave any flowers that you have brought for the actors with the cloakroom attendants on the left side of the parterre, indicating the recipient. They will be delivered directly onto the stage. 


Table bookings 

/Minimum order amount: EUR 25/ 


tel.: 28382398 


50% off parking in Jēkaba Arkāde! 

What? | One-off 50% discount for short-term parking at Jēkaba Arkāde.

Where? | Carpark at Jēkaba Arkāde, Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica bulvāris 8, Rīga

When? | On the day of the performance at the Latvian National Theatre, no earlier than two hours before the performance, if you leave the car park (incl. the time required for paying) before midnight of the same day.

How? | When you enter, take a parking ticket → Before you leave, insert the ticket in the parking machine (on the 1st or 2nd floor) → Scan the QR code on the theatre ticket → Pay with your bank card → Drive out of the car park within no more than 15 minutes by inserting the paid ticket in the exit terminal before the parking barrier.

Please note | The 50% discount QR code indicated on a ticket of the Latvian National Theatre can only be used once on the date of the performance (until midnight). If payment is made after midnight, the discount is no longer valid.

EuroPark 24/7 Call Centre + 371 67324508 / 

Example –


Board Member Māris Vītols | Information 67006300 | E-mail:

Deputy Director for Repertoire and Artistic Strategy Ieva Struka | E-mail:

Director of Artistic Department Ilze Tērauda | E-mail:

Finance Director Antra Spāde | 29178869 | E-mail:

Production Director Zane Samoilova | 29892010 | E-mail:

Head of Production Department Linda Helviga | 29112538 | E-mail:

Building Manager Mārtiņš Kalnājs | 26557884 | E-mail:

Public Relations and Communication Specialist Baiba Tilhena | 26137090 | E-mail:

Personnel Specialist Marta Dirveika | E-mail:


VSIA Latvijas Nacionālais teātris

Kronvalda bulv. 2, Rīga, LV-1010

Reģ. Nr. LV 40003786149

Banka: Swedbank AS


Konts: LV26HABA0551023406619

For information, call 67006300 or write to: