Calendar Performances A Little Money A Streetcar Named Desire A Young Doctor’s Notebook Antigone Blow, Wind! Choose a better version (Estonia/Ukraine) Cloakroom attendants Dog’s Den Don't even laugh! - Theatre Day Concert Dullais Dauka Ezeriņš Fireface Just Love Knives in Hens Little Shepherd Meeting place: Riga City II Theatre. Recording Oligarch People in Boats Peter Pan. Syndrome Prohibited Piano Seacrow Island Shameless Geezer Terror The Boy Who Saw in the Dark The Great Gatsby The Latvians The National Network The Red and the Black The Silver Skates The Soft Power The Tailor Days in Silmači The Taste of Lead The Temple of the Golden Pavilion The Whales are Scared Too Theatre Day Concert. It’s Gliding Along Time for Paradise Tour Halls Large Hall Actors’ Hall New Hall White Hall Other E-THEATRE Lielā zāle Premieres